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We are a brand new church on the Loyalist Parkway! In 2019 we started with a team of 50 adults, teenagers and children and have continued to grow since. Our original team set out with a mission to establish a church in the Loyalist region of Eastern Ontario that is devoted to Jesus, community and multiplying God’s movement around the region and beyond. God has answered our prayer! People have come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, have been baptized and are being mobilized for ministry within the community. We were originally meeting at the Fairfield Public School, but since the COVID pandemic we have been on a wild church planting adventure meeting in a hotel, Legion, community centre and local parks. In December of 2022, we moved into our new location on 218 Main Street in Bath, Ontario, Canada.


What We Believe
  • We believe in one God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the Saviour of all who put their faith in him alone for eternal life.

  • We believe that those who are made new in Christ are called to be holy in character and conduct and can only live this way by being filled with the Lord’s Spirit.

  • We believe in the Bible and its sufficiency to establish our faith and conduct.

  • We believe God wills for people everywhere to know him and be made new in Christ.

  • We believe that the purpose of the Church is to worship God in spirit and in truth, and to reach a lost and fallen world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through its worship, witness and loving deeds. 

  • Parkway Church is affiliated with the Wesleyan Church of Canada. Learn more about us at 




Lead Pastor

My name is Dusty and I am the pastor of Parkway Church. I am in love with my bride Krista and I am the father of two beautiful girls - Lily and Kaitlyn. I am a Bible teacher, songwriter and Toronto Maples Leafs fan (this year is the year!). I enjoy a good cup of coffee while listening to worship music, Rich Mullins, Bruce Springsteen or U2. Before helping launch Parkway Church, I was a youth pastor and worship leader at Roblin Wesleyan Church for 17 years. Before my tour of duty as a youth pastor, I attended Kingswood University in Sussex, NB, Canada, and spent my summers serving at Circle Square Ranch. I am an East - coaster, and grew up outside Saint John, New Brunswick. I love meeting Parkway people and being part of this brand - new church planting endeavour! 


Administration / Kids Ministry

My name is Krista Crozier and I am married to the Pastor at Parkway Church! We have been happily married for 17 years, and we have two beautiful daughters, Lily and Kaitlyn.Throughout my life, I have had the opportunity to teach Sunday School, volunteer at VBS camps and work with the youth group at Roblin Wesleyan Church (our previous place of ministry). My heart’s passion is to share the love of Jesus with children and youth. In September of 2020, I graduated from Athabasca University with a degree in Human Studies. I also have a diploma in Office Administration, along with a diploma in Social Work. At Parkway Church, I have the privilege of being the Children's / Youth Director, along with providing extra administrative support. I also serve at the Parrot Centre in Napanee. I am very grateful to see how God is building our church!


Young Adult Facilitators 

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